Your Support Services


Easynic provides a host of support services to our customers – all from our UK based support centre. Our expert support specialists can advise you on a range of IT topics. Our staff are available, and ready to help you via phone, email or through our customer ticket system, which you can access via your Control Panel. Furthermore, we have created another support area known as Your Support Services which offers a range of detailed guides to help you get the most from your Easynic packages.

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SSL Security Now Available


At Easynic we regularly review feedback from our clients, as we aim to improve our customer experience. We want to help you, help your customers. We have listened and one of the main things you have been asking for is for the ability to offer SSL certificates. Starting today, with Easynic it is now possible for you to offer SSL certificates to secure your customers websites.

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Save your time & money – outsource!


In recent years, partly thanks to the popularity of books such as the 4 Hour Work Week by Tim Ferris, outsourcing has grown in popularity. For many years numerous large companies in countries such as the UK, USA, etc have outsourced various jobs – and maybe even entire departments. For example, jobs such as customer telephone support, etc to countries such as India. These companies were able to save money employing a cheaper workforce, who were English speaking, educated and qualified for the job. While outsourcing has its pros and cons, the fact is it is a booming industry.

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How to record a Skype call


Skype is a fantastic piece of free software that enables you to communication via your computer – by video and voice calls – with anyone in the world who also has an internet connection.

All you need to make a Skype call is an internet connection for your device e.g. PC, laptop, etc, a microphone (an inbuilt one e.g. in your PC is enough), and Skype software installed in your PC. Additionally, if you want to do a Skype video call then you will need a webcam. If you have all of these then you are ready to use Skype – you can start making calls to friends, family, colleagues or business prospects world-wide.

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Control Panel Switch Over

Dear Reseller

Thanks for all your feedback for the new Easynic Control Panel.  We really appreciate the positive feedback, it really helps with our development and improvements.

There were two main points of feedback;

  • The ability to change currency within the invoice view
  • The ability to hide/delete old contacts

Rest assured, we are currently working on fixes and these will be implemented shortly.

In the meantime, we are going to continue our roll-out and make the new control panel the primary log in.  The old control panel will still be available (once you are logged in) for the next couple of weeks.

Our aim is to turn off access to the old control panel on the 1st December 2014, with this in mind it’s imperative that we get any outstanding feedback as soon as possible.

Once again, thanks for the help, we really appreciate it.

Kind regards

The Easynic Team.

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Updates to Easynic coming very soon

Our long awaited update to the Easynic control panel is coming in the next few weeks.  Our process for this launch will be as follows:

1)      We will be in contact with some customers to beta test the control panel (imminent)

2)      We will then run the old and new control panel side by side for a few weeks (dependent on feedback)

3)      We will move to the new control panel and introduce new products

We are really looking forward to this change-over and we hope you can join us in making the experience a good one, If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Kind regards

The Easynic team

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This weekend we will be carrying out our 5 yearly maintenance inspection of all electrical systems.  During this time the test server will be offline all weekend Saturday 29th March and Sunday 30th March.

Sorry for any inconvenience caused.

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New end user control panel & ‘how to’ area

We are writing today to let you know about improvements we are making to the Easynic reseller system. Our team have been working hard in the background, updating the systems, control panels and product lines. As we approach the 1st mile stone of our improvement plan, we will be releasing a new end-user control panel.

These are also exciting times for domain names! Rest assured Easynic will be taking part in the new gTLD launches. We will also have some news about the Trademark Clearing House with you guys very soon.

More on that soon, now back to our (your) new toys !

The End User Control Panel
The End User Control Panel (ECP) gives you the ability to provide a configuration & support area to your end customer. Initially you will be able to access this new from the MANAGE CONTACTS area of your Easynic control panel.

The Screen below shows where you will be able to access the end user control panel.
It’s your choice as to whether you give access to the end user, but you always have access to the username and password – should you ever need to provide it to them.


The control panel will form an integral part of the new Reseller Control panel (estimated launch –Jan 2014).

New support area
As part of this initial launch we have also provided links to a new improved support area. This area will be particularly useful when setting up email and FTP account for your end users.

There is also a little trick to the new support area: If you are setting up a new email account – we overlay the correct setup details into screen shots. It makes it clearer for your end users, and limits the amount of time you spend on 1st line support.


Improvements summary:

• The new end user control panel has new interfaces to help setup & configure products
• Access to generic end-user support guides to reduce your support overheads
• Mobile friendly (responsive) & brand able.

A sneak preview of the End User Control Panel
Example of the end user control panel home page (please note: some products will not be available on launch)

Testing headline


Example for setting up and managing email accounts:


Access to YourSupportServices:

An area that contains guides for email clients, FTP settings and DNS guides.
We have already published some “how to” guides that show some of the things you can do with the End User Control Panel – you can see these here :

Initial changes to the Easynic Control Panel
This control panel can be configured from the main Easynic Reseller Control Panel (RCP) by selecting ‘Account Config’ and then ‘Control Panel setup’.


This is just the first step in what we know will be a great year for Easynic – there are massive improvements, new products and plenty of new domain names coming your way!

If you have any questions about Easynic reseller system please do not hesitate to get in touch with us on: 0370 757 4400 for sales enquiries – or please contact support on: 0370 757 4243.

Thank you for choosing Easynic, we appreciate your business and are excited about the upcoming year!

The Easynic team

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Easynic API change

We will be making a small change to the Easynic API on Monday 26th August. There will be no service downtime and we do not expect it to affect your usage of the API. However, if you wish to perform tests before Monday, then the changes have already been made to the test APIs:

What’s changing

If you use the “createDatabase” method in the API ( or the Wrapper API (, there is a new parameter ‘dbtype’ you must pass in. It will default to “mysql5”, but you can specify “mysql4” if you would prefer an older version.

The Easynic Wrapper API has 2 new methods. “deleteFromBasket” which allows you to delete one or more items from your basket and “multidomainsearch” which is simply an alias of “newmultidomainsearch”.

The following calls in the Easynic Wrapper will now return a partial success code of “950” rather than success “100” if it cannot fully complete the request.

  • addMail
  • addMailWithContact
  • addHosting
  • addHostingExtra
  • addHostingWithContact
  • addDserver
  • addDserverWithContact
  • addVserver
  • addVserverWithContact
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Connection Issues

Our domain connection issues mentioned in the below post have now been resolved.

If you do experience any issues please do not hesitate to contact our support team on 0370 757 4243.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused.


Kind regards
The Easynic team

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