Author Archives: enicblog


Customers trying to secure their rights of registration .UK domain name should note after 17:00 on the 24th of June 2019 we cannot guarantee a registration.  It is important to note that after 06:00 on 25th of June 2019 you … Continue reading

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Nominet – Domain names price increases:, .uk,,,,

Nominet, the official registry for UK domain names will increase the prices of all domain name extensions ending in .uk on 1st March 2016. This will result in wholesale prices of both new registrations and renewals of,,, … Continue reading

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Why get more than one domain name

More people than ever are wanting to create a website, whether it’s for their business or if it’s just a personal website, such as a blog or a family photo gallery, etc. It used to be the case that people … Continue reading

Posted in Domain Names |

Why you should get a or domain

UK.COM and UK.NET domain names have been used by British companies of all sizes and across all industries for almost 20 years. They combine the UK’s national identifier with the popular “.com” and “.net” ending. This helps to improve consumer … Continue reading

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Canva: the tool for blog images

All of the most successful websites know about the importance of using images. If you have a website then to maximise its potential you need to be including images – throughout the site, from its main pages and in each … Continue reading

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Most Popular New gTLD Domain Names….. so far

Source: Every week a number of new domain name extensions (gTLDs) are released for the very first time – domain extensions such as .CLUB, .COMPANY, .SUPPORT, .NINJA, etc – times have changed from the days when you could only … Continue reading

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5 Best WordPress Plugins

WordPress is a fantastic free, open source blogging tool and content management system. Using WordPress is one of the easiest & cheapest ways for you to create a powerful, professional website on your own. A popular feature of WordPress is the ability … Continue reading

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Helpful reports to get you started with Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a fantastic bit of software which can provide very detailed stats & information to help you manage your website. It’s completely free to use, but it can at first seem quite difficult to use. However, with a … Continue reading

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GIMP: Photo editing software for free

If you have a website then it’s highly recommended that you add photos to it – especially for your blog posts. Photos help engage with your website visitors – they can help draw them in and keep them on your … Continue reading

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5 Great Podcasts for Digital Entrepreneurs

If you are interested in creating a successful online business, then it’s recommended that you learn from people who have already achieved it – people who have been there, done that and have got the t-shirt. But where do you … Continue reading

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