SSL Security Now Available


At Easynic we regularly review feedback from our clients, as we aim to improve our customer experience. We want to help you, help your customers. We have listened and one of the main things you have been asking for is for the ability to offer SSL certificates. Starting today, with Easynic it is now possible for you to offer SSL certificates to secure your customers websites.

What is SSL?

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer), also known as digital certificate, arranges an encrypted connection between a web server and a website, enabling confidential information to be transmitted securely.

When an SSL certificate is installed on a web server it establishes a secure connection between that server and the web browser. It is increasingly used to secure online payments such as credit card transactions, etc.


Why should you consider SSL for your website?

SSL is the backbone of secure Internet and it protects sensitive information on the web from fraudsters and hijacking. SSL offers direct benefits to you and your customers.

  • Keep all your website information secure during transmission
  • Give your customers and visitors trust
  • Gives you competitive edge by securing safe online transactions
  • Offers strong data encryption
  • Shows secure lock on your site
  • How do website visitors know if a website is secure?


What will look different on a website?

Web users are becoming increasingly knowledgeable when it comes to knowing what to look for security wise, when they shop online. Many web users will refuse to submit their payment details unless a website has an SSL certificate.

When a website visitor connects to a web server using SSL certificate they will see that the URL in the address bar with https:// rather than the usual http://. Websites with SSL certificate will also display a small padlock in their browser.



How do I order an SSL certificate?

You can set up SSL certificates in your Control Panel




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