GIMP: Photo editing software for free


If you have a website then it’s highly recommended that you add photos to it – especially for your blog posts. Photos help engage with your website visitors – they can help draw them in and keep them on your website for longer. It’s well known that blog posts with images in them get more views.

If you are going to add photos to your website then odds are you will need photo editing software – which will allow you to resize, crop, add text, tweek photos, etc, so that are just how you want them.

However, if you want photo software then you will know just how expensive it can be – especially for popular software such as Adobe Photoshop, which can cost over £200 per year.

If you just want to add a few photos to your site, and maybe a weekly blog post, then the costs of most photo editing software may put you off adding photos to your site. But, thankfully there is a free photo editing software, that while not as advanced as Photoshop, it still has the functions that, odds are, will enable you to make 99% of the editing you’ll ever need to do. This free  photo editing software is GIMP.

GIMP is fairly straight forward to use, and there are lots of tutorials online to help you learn how to use it, to edit your photos. So if software such as Photoshop is too expensive for you, then we recommend you try GIMP.

You can download GIMP and get more information on this free photo editing software at:

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