Easynic Nameserver Changes

Notice to Easynic Resellers

As part of our continual efforts to improve the services we offer to our customers, we are consolidating the nameservers used to serve DNS for domains registered through Easynic.

As part of this, we will no longer be using ns1.easypost.com, ns3.easypost.com, ns4.easyspace.com or ns5.easyspace.com. All new domain registrations and transfers where there are no custom nameservers specified in the Easynic account configuration will use the following nameservers:

  • ns1.namecity.com
  • ns2.namecity.com

These changes will take effect from Monday 26th January 2009 for new registrations. We will then be migrating domains from the legacy nameservers to the new system over the following weeks however we do not anticipate any impact on existing services.

If you have any questions regarding these changes, please read the General Questions listed on this FAQ: https://support.easyspace.com/faq.php?do=article&articleid=1997 or contact our Easynic Support Team on 0870 757 4243 and they will be happy to help you.

Easynic Customer Service

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